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Your rights and responsibilities

Park Lane Surgery welcomes new patients living within our practice geographical area irrespective of their race, gender, social class, age, religion, sexual orientation or appearance, disability or medical condition.

The practice aims to give a friendly and professional service to all our patients. In return we ask our patients to help us in the following ways:

  • Be on time for your appointment.
  • Let us know if you need to cancel your appointment. Please see our appointments page for more information about how to cancel.
  • Respect that standard GP appointments are for a 15 minute consultation; don’t expect to discuss several unrelated problems or seek treatment for other. members of your family.
  • Inform us if your details change – for example, address or telephone numbers
  • Call for a home visit or urgent appointment before 10am.
  • Please keep your phone call brief and avoid calling in peak morning time for non-urgent matters.
  • Remember, you are responsible for your own health and the health of your children. We will give you our professional help and advice. Please act upon it.

As an NHS patient of the surgery you have the right to:

  • Be registered with a general practitioner.
  • Change doctor if desired.
  • Be offered a health check upon joining the practice if you are over 75 years.
  • Be referred for specialist or second opinions if you and the GP agree.

You will improve your health by taking regular exercise, eating a healthy well-balanced diet, limiting alcohol intake, and avoiding smoking altogether.

Smoking and vaping is not allowed on the premises (by law and, in any case, it gives the wrong impression of a premises dedicated to the maintenance and improvement of health); also please refrain from chewing gum on the surgery premises and please turn off your mobile phone.